Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis

公開シンポジウム/Special symposium

第27回日本環境共生学会学術大会主催・立命館大学バイオ炭研究センター共催 無料公開シンポジウム「バイオ炭貯留を通じたJ-クレジットと地域開発」

無料公開シンポジウムを2024年9月14日14:00~16:50 に開催いたします。



14:00~14:40 柴田 晃(立命館大学日本バイオ炭研究センター)https://research-db.ritsumei.ac.jp/rithp/k03/resid/S000154
14:40~15:20 岸本 文紅(農研機構農業環境研究部門緩和技術体系化グループ)https://researchmap.jp/read0161322
15:30~16:10 凌 祥之(日本炭化学会長)https://nrid.nii.ac.jp/ja/nrid/1000010399363/
16:10~16:50 竹下 光雄(株式会社長大)https://www.linkedin.com/in/mitsuo-takeshita-785a33168/?originalSubdomain=jp


主催:日本環境共生学会 共催:立命館大学バイオ炭研究センター、

オンライン(Zoom)による視聴の場合は申し込みが必要です(当日途中でも可能)。申し込み後にzoom のURLが登録時のeメール宛に届きます。
Free Symposium registration here↑
Open Symposium “J-Credits and Regional Development through Biochar Storage” Sep.04, 2024 2pm -5 pm via online zoom.
The symposium will be in Japanese, but subtitles will be provided in English automatically translated by zoom. 
If you wish to attend this webinar, please register in advance. After registering, you will receive an email and confirmation regarding your participation in the webinar.
To register, please click here↑
JAHES2024 Open symposium will be held on September 14, 2024 from 14:00 to 16:50.
Program of Free Public Symposium (Building C 472, Osaka Ibaraki Campus, Ritsumeikan University, audience by Zoom is available)14:00-14:40 Prof. Akira Shibata  Ph.D (Japan Biochar Research Center, Ritsumeikan University)
Carbon Dioxide Removal Using Biochar (CO₂Removal) and Rural Community Development”
14:40~15:20 Ayaka W. Kishimoto Ph.D. (National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, Japan)
Global Situation of Biochar
15:30 – 16:10 Prof. Yoshiyuki Shinogi Ph.D. (President, Japan Charcoaling Society)
Biochar, History and Expectations
16:10 – 16:50 Mitsuo Takeshita (Manager – CHODAI CO.,LTD)
Social Implementation Using Biochar (from Biochar Production to Compost and Agricultural Products Sales)
Organized by Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis
Co-organized by: Japan Biochar Research Center, Ritsumeikan University, Japan Carbonization Research Society, Japan Biochar Association
Supported by: Ritsumeikan University Society for Policy Studies, Ritsumeikan University
Copyright © 日本環境共生学会 All Rights Reserved.